Coaching And NLP


As a Coach I hold the belief that you already have the answers you need within yourself. My role is to help you find these answers. This is done through a number of conversational techniques.

When these techniques are used, you gain greater self-awareness and insights you hadn’t seen previously. Having a non-biased, non-judgmental person available to provide focused attention gives you space to understand how to move forward. 

Within my coaching I incorporate  NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) 

NLP is a model of communication, how we communicate to self and others and how that communication creates and affects our behaviour.  It includes the language you use and observing behaviour patterns.


 Using the many tools available through NLP we can unpack patterns, habits and strategies that we have developed over time. This allows us to then make choices about how we are in the present and going forwards. Such that we can achieve the life we really want to be living.  NLP is wonderful tool, but it has its limitations, this why I combine it with Time Line Therapy and Meridian energy release work.


I have a fluid and intuitive approach working with what is showing up at each session and what is being processed between sessions.


Most coaching involves goal setting and taking steps towards that goal.  In my experience it can be hard to set inspiring goals when you lack confidence or self-belief. This can lead to people either finding it hard to set any goals at all or to setting small goals (That they KNOW they can achieve easily) to avoid "failing" These can therefore be uninspiring and once achieved can be dismissed with the person left feeling demotivated and "not enough"

Therefore I work to delete the old belief systems first, recode the unconcious mind, build that self confidence and trust and then set the goals with you. Meaning the goals are inspiring AND achievable.

If you’re feeling lost or unsure about something, coaching can provide clarity, direction and focus. If you’re struggling to make a change, coaching can help raise your self-awareness and both understand and change certain behaviours. 

If you’re finding it difficult to motivate yourself and make things happen in your life or work, coaching can offer accountability and help you define your purpose. 

Coaching relies on your commitment to the process and an open, honest relationship with the coach. With a focus of forward progression, unlocking potential and achieving goals, it’s no surprise that many people call coaching ‘life changing’.